I like to make things; here's some of my favourites:
Researching applications of augemented-reality sandboxes to physics and climate education
Take any number and "unsolve" it by turning it into a custom equation
Course project for COMP 4300: Game Programming
Course project for COMP 4754: Database Systems
Summon xkcd comics directly to your eyeballs in the form of Discord messages
Where you are right now!
My team's submission for the Don't Overthink It Hackathon
A prototype falling-sand game in the style of things like The Powder Toy, Sandspiel, and Noita
A LISP written in Go for fun
A programming language inspired by functional programming and Lisp
My solutions for Advent of Code 2023
Course project for COMP 3301: Visual Computing and Applications
A Discord bot that scrapes www.ratemyprofessors.com for the ratings of professors from Memorial University
A minimalist text editor with pleasant colours
Course project for COMP 2005: Software Development
My solutions for Advent of Code 2022
A simulator for a multi-competitor rock-paper-scissors-like game